General information about Rõuge municipality


  • Rõuge municipality is located in South-East of Estonia, covering the whole southern border of Võru county. Our neighbours are Valga municipality, Antsla municipality, Võru rural municipality, as well as the Republic of Latvia and Russian Federation. 
  • Main centres: Rõuge (the centre of municipality), Haanja, Misso, Mõniste and Varstu. A quarter of the municipality stays to Haanja nature park.
  • With its stunning nature, active people and tourist sights, Rõuge municipality holds an important place in Võru county recreation, sports and tourism chain.
  • The distance from municipality centre to Võru (the central town of county) is 16 km.
  • The rural municipality has an area of 933.2 km2, a large share of which is covered with forests.
  • Municipality's 5107 inhabitants (01.01.2024) are living in 274 villages and three boroughs.
  • Rõuge municipality is a record-breaking community: here, you can visit the highest top of Baltics, the deepest lake of Estonia, the most southern top of Estonia, the only canyon of Estonia, the landmark where the borders of three countries (Estonia, Latvia and Russia) touch each other, and many, many more.